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Blog 4: A Meal on Food you Really Like

Hi guys.

I like the coffee so much, every day ....but is not a food. Whatever.

Of all meals, my favorite is Italian food especially the pasta with creme. 

A easy recipe is Ñoquis. It is made to mix flour, grated potatoes and eggs. With this dough form a small oval figures the size of a bean. Then to steam for only 2 minutes for then sauté with spices and creme.

I like so much the Italian food, because also of be tasty it make me feel on Italy, you know.

The Italian food is high in carbohydrates. It will unhealthy if you eat every days. You can combine with vegetables and exercise.

I eat Italian food once or twice at month because I sincerely, I have not taken care of my health since the start of the pandemic. In that case to find the balance with Italian food I should do more exercises. It is a promise.


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