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Blog 6: A Career-Related Website OR an Expert in Your Field

Hi guys. I present to you one of my favorite artists. This is Richard Serra, American sculptor. He was born in 1939 and is still alive. Postmodern artist and also considered minimalist. He work with corten steel and very large sizes. His works that generate tension in the viewer by how they are held and feat by the weight of the steel. I like his sculpture because it includes the space and the viewer. You can walk through them and touch them. This is one of his works that is in the Guggenheim-Bilbao Museum, Spain. I hope soon to travel to Spain to go the museum and see his work. But it would be much better to meet his workshop and talk to him.  I imagine it must be a great experience to talk with an important artist. I am very curious to know how he creates his works.
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Blog 5: A photograph like

 Hello, How are you guys? I will show you a  photo  that I like. I took this photo in March, 2012. I like so much this photo because they are my sons, Benjamin and Alonso. In that year Benjamin had 11 years old and Alonso 6. They were very close to each other and that made me feel very happy. At present, they are older than this photo and are no longer so close :( Now looking at this photo I feel a little sad that they are no longer small. The years go by so fast and I feel like don´t enjoy them. I am also getting older every day. I would like to go back to that time, be younger and enjoy every moment with them a lot more.  Anyway...I like this photograph even if it makes me nostalgic.

Blog 4: A Meal on Food you Really Like

Hi guys. I like the coffee so much, every day ....but is not a food . Whatever. Of all meals, my favorite is Italian food especially the pasta with creme.  A easy recipe is Ñoquis. It is made to mix flour, grated potatoes and eggs. With this dough form a small oval figures the size of a bean. Then to steam for only 2 minutes for then sauté with spices and creme. I like so much the Italian food, because also of be tasty it make me feel on Italy, you know. The Italian food is high in carbohydrates. It will unhealthy if you eat every days. You can combine with vegetables and exercise. I eat Italian food once or twice at month because I sincerely, I have not taken care of my health since the start of the pandemic. In that case to find the balance with Italian food I should do more exercises. It is a promise.

Blog 3: My favorite piece of technology

  Hi everyone again, How do you do?  Today I want to share with you that my favorite piece of technology is my smartphone and my macbook. I use both mainly to work and also to communication with my friends and parents. Obviously also I use to watch memes or stories of instagram for distract me and kill time, even though I don`t have enough free time to watch social media content.  I think it makes my life easy but it also stresses me because I must be attentive at all times. I am independent contractor but it is hard because my costumers are very demanding and they call me at any time generally. I recommend using it with moderation because it can be addictive and lost focus of the responsibilities, inclusive prolonged use of them can be harmful to eyes. In my case induce headache after of many hours at the front of screens.   

My Blog II: Why did you choose this career?

 When I was a child, I wanted to be pop dancer. I dreamt I was a famous dancer and went on tour all the world. Then when I was eighteen years old I want study other career: psychology or social worker but for other reason I studied chemical engineering and move in Santiago. On 2017, after of a divorce I wished to change my life completely and I want achieve my dreams. This also help me overcome a deep depression, chiefly because I counted and count with the support of my sons. My experience in university so far has been exhausting but very motivating. I need more hours a day. I would like to work in my workshop all day. No more real state agent. And I want travel for a lot countries.

Blog 1: My Autobiography

 Hi, everyone! My name is Joana Parra Friz. I was born in Arauco city, 8th region, Chile. On October 17th, 1981. I studied in high school CEAT in San Pedro de la Paz at precision mechanics. Currently, I study at visual art`s in faculty of the University of Chile. This career is wonderful and the sculpture it`s my preferred. Also I`m mother and worker in real state agent. My original family live in Temuco, but I live in Santiago with my two sons and my boyfriend Esteban. My first son is Benjamín and my second son is Alonso. Also I have two cat, Nene and Micha. I love all they.  In my free time I like make the most of sleep because my days is very stressful. Also I like sewing and ready.